Build on the foundations and perfect the craft of being a firefighter.
Hose work is the foundation of the fire service and is often the determining factor on successful fireground operations. Our basic engine class examines the primary role of the engine company and teaches students various techniques on stretching & advancing hose lines. Students will learn the different riding assignments and associated responsibilities to effectively place an attack line into operation in a timely manner. The focus will be on realistic staffing levels, and techniques will be discussed for operating efficiently with limited manpower. Topics include; stretching the initial attack line, stretching the back-up line, well hole stretches, rope stretches, stretching & advancing 2 ½ hose.
This class will introduce students to the various fireground functions encompassing “Truck Work” Topics covered will include forcible entry, Primary Search techniques , throwing ladders Venting & VES, as well as vertical ventilation with both flat & peaked roof ops. This class is designed to provide students with maximum hands on time.
The focus of this class is to train fire fighters to recognize deteriorating conditions on the fire ground so they can avoid becoming trapped, and teach them basic survival skills to effectively remove themselves from a hostile environment. This class will help the student identify the reasons why firefighters become lost, disorientated, or trapped and helps them avoid specific situations through enhanced recognition. Topics of discussion include; size up & construction, P.P.E capabilities & limitations, Flash-over recognition, and Mayday parameters & procedures.
Advanced Rescue & Survival School
This program is designed for firefighters and company officers who desire a high paced, data-driven, and realistic training program focused on self-rescue, firefighter survival, aggressive and proactive RIT/RIC operations, maintaining situational awareness, and understanding the psychology and physiology of a firefighter mayday. This School condenses and replicates the extreme demands that may be placed on firefighters at any scale incident. Emphasis is placed on the challenges that all firefighters will face when involved or responding to an emergency mayday. The same principles being taught here can be applied to improve your individual and team’s performance of duties at any small or large-scale incident, natural disasters, catastrophic events, or acts of
terrorism. This Program is the most physically and mentally challenging course offered by National Rescue Consultants. Its design allows each student to understand, manage, and challenge their physical and psychological limitations in a safe,
stressful, and realistic environment. This coupled with constant situational awareness drills and forced consequential decision-making scenarios, assures that the student gains condensed lifesaving experience and therefore can operate more efficiently at any emergency incident. The NRC Advanced Rescue & Survival School is taught and designed by a very seasoned Fire Service Instructor Cadre and continually updated to stay on the leading edge of firefighting technology, equipment, safety, and survival.